Tinnitus Distress
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a common condition involving the hearing of noises, ringing, humming, whistling, roaring or buzzing in the absence of external sound. Tinnitus is not a disease in itself, but often a symptom which can have many different and unknown causes.
Causes and effects
Tinnitus can develop from a range of different causes including exposure to loud noises, stress, trauma, earwax, hearing loss, problems with the inner ear and some medications. Many causes of tinnitus are unknown. Tinnitus will often fluctuate over time, changing in pitch and severity. Fluctuations in tinnitus may be affected by environmental factors such as diet, exercise and stress. Tinnitus can cause distress, anxiety, irritability, interference with sleep, poor concentration and depression.
Psychological therapy can provide strategies to help clients cope with tinnitus.
What does Tinnitus treatment involve?
There is currently no cure for tinnitus, however, psychological therapy can assist clients to adjust and cope with tinnitus. The latest research indicates that anxiety impacts upon the brain’s noise cancellation systems. Therefore, at the ISN Clinic we focus on the link between tinnitus and anxiety, using comprehensive assessment, management and therapeutic techniques such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to alleviate distress associated with tinnitus. ISN Clinic provides treatment programs utilising evidence based clinical practices.
Treatment Network
Whilst clients will engage predominantly with one psychologist, tinnitus cases will be reviewed depending on the complexity by the psychology team.
If you suffer from tinnitus distress, please contact the ISN Clinic for therapy. Therapy for tinnitus is available through our Kew Clinic. Please call or contact us (selecting the Kew clinic option) for an appointment. An appointment for an initial phone assessment can also be booked online: